Cyber Security: The Importance of Protecting Your Devices

Cyber Security: The Importance of Protecting Your Devices

Cyber Security: The Importance of Protecting Your Devices

Cyber security is a topic that is frequently in the news, but many people do not realize how much personal information and sensitive data they are sharing with businesses and websites each day. The best way to protect yourself from malicious
cyber-attacks is to take steps to safeguard your computer, phone, and email accounts.

A password manager can help you create a unique and strong password for every account

Cyber security is a serious issue. With more than 10 million new malware threats discovered each year, it’s more important than ever to protect your computer, phone, and email accounts from cyber-attacks.

A password manager can help you create a unique and strong password for every account. It will remember them all so that you don’t have to. It also has features that help prevent hackers from getting into your account.

Here are five tips to keep your devices secure:

  • 1. Keep the software on your computer up-to-date with the latest security patches.

  • 2. Use strong passwords (at least 10 characters long, with a mixture of letters, numbers, and symbols).

  • 3. Don’t click on links or attachments in emails or texts from people you don’t know or recognize.

  • 4. Use two-factor authentication whenever possible (when signing in online, for example).

  • 5. Use password managers like LastPass to store all your usernames and passwords securely in one place

Avoid clicking on any suspicious links or downloads

Avoid clicking on any suspicious links or downloads. If you get an email from someone you don’t know, don’t click on any links or attachments that appear in it. If you do click on something suspicious, run an antivirus scan to see if it’s
infected with malware or spyware. If it is, delete the file immediately. Because cybercriminals can be quite inventive, you must be very vigilant in preventing such attempts. If you don’t recognize the sender and the message is clearly
unnecessary, delete it and go on. If you believe it is legitimate, contact the organization that sent it, and only open it if you are certain it is genuine. You can also look at the domain of the link; in most cases, it will be similar
to a well-known firm name or will have a different extension, which is a major red signal.

Be careful with phishing scams.

It’s easy to dismiss phishing scams as something that won’t befall you, but those who fall for them can actually have a hard time convincing anyone that they weren’t the ones who let their guard down. For example, a recent cyber-attack called
whaling” is a type of phishing scam that targets executives. Through a fake email from someone in power (e.g.,
the CEO), the scammer requests personal information from an employee that can then be used to commit fraud or wreak havoc on the company’s funds. But there are things you can do to protect yourself against all phishing scams, whether they’re
coming via email, text message, instant message, or social media. Here are a few tips:

Be wary of any unexpected messages—especially ones with urgent requests for personal information—and always check your sources before responding.

Make sure your email address can’t be easily guessed by using symbols and numbers along with your name (e.g.,

If you suspect a link might send you to a suspicious website, take an extra minute to hover over it before clicking through so you can verify its address (but be careful not to click if it’s not legitimate.

Keep your software up to date

Keep your software up to date. Software updates often contain security fixes that prevent attacks before they happen. They cover security holes to keep hackers out. Many updates are pushed automatically through the operating system or app
store, but you should also check periodically to make sure everything is up-to-date. All new features are available as soon as they are released. It’s always a good idea to make sure your operating system is up to date. What are you waiting
for? Update your software today to enjoy the most up-to-date, bug-free features.

Takeaway: having good cyber security may be considered “dull” business, but it is very important in today’s world.

You may think that having good cyber security is a bit of a drag. It’s definitely not the most exciting part of running a business or the first thing you’d consider when you’re thinking about growth and success. But it is something you’ll
be glad you thought about if your name ever comes up in a data breach, which happens to millions of people every year

When your clients’ data gets lost or stolen, they stop trusting you with their money and start looking for someone else to take care of them.

Cyber security isn’t just a good idea—it’s necessary in today’s world!